
This commit is contained in:
夕阳微笑1 2025-01-13 21:18:04 +08:00
parent 1cb948bd99
commit 8fa1f6e1fe
2 changed files with 221 additions and 201 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import { baseUrlHost } from '../baseUrlHost';
* api接口集合
* @method getlogList
* @method getaiabilityList AI能力列表
* @method getbaseUserList
export function logApi() {
@ -18,5 +20,18 @@ export function logApi() {
getabilityList: (params:object) => {
return request({
url: baseUrlHost + '/acLog/AiAbility',
method: 'get',
getbaseUserList: () => {
return request({
url: baseUrlHost + '/acLog/basicInformation',
method: 'get',

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
v-for="(v, k) in state.homeOne"
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<div class="flex-margin flex w100" :class="` home-one-animation${k}`">
<div class="flex-auto">
<span class="font30">{{ v.num1 }}</span>
<span class="ml5 font16" :style="{ color: v.color1 }">{{ v.num2 }}%</span>
<!-- <span class="ml5 font16" :style="{ color: v.color1 }">{{ v.num2 }}%</span> -->
<div class="mt10">{{ v.num3 }}</div>
<div class="home-card-item-icon flex" :style="{ background: `var(${v.color2})` }">
@ -25,40 +25,29 @@
<el-row :gutter="15" class="home-card-two mb15">
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="14" :md="14" :lg="16" :xl="16">
<el-row :gutter="15" class="home-card-two mb15" >
<div class="home-card-item">
<div style="height: 100%" ref="homeLineRef"></div>
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="10" :md="10" :lg="8" :xl="8" class="home-media">
<div class="home-card-item">
<div style="height: 100%" ref="homePieRef"></div>
<el-row :gutter="15" class="home-card-three">
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="10" :md="10" :lg="8" :xl="8">
<div class="home-card-item">
<div class="home-card-item-title">快捷导航工具</div>
<div class="home-monitor">
<div class="flex-warp">
<div class="flex-warp-item" v-for="(v, k) in state.homeThree" :key="k">
<div class="flex-warp-item-box" :class="`home-animation${k}`">
<div class="flex-margin">
<i :class="v.icon" :style="{ color: v.iconColor }"></i>
<span class="pl5">{{ v.label }}</span>
<div class="mt10">{{ v.value }}</div>
<!-- 添加日期范围选择框 -->
<div class="date-picker-container">
format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
value-format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="14" :md="14" :lg="16" :xl="16" class="home-media">
<div class="home-card-item">
<div style="height: 100%" ref="homeBarRef"></div>
<div style="height: 100%; width: 100%" ref="homeBarRef"></div>
@ -71,11 +60,16 @@ import * as echarts from 'echarts';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
import { useThemeConfig } from '/@/stores/themeConfig';
import { useTagsViewRoutes } from '/@/stores/tagsViewRoutes';
import { logApi } from '/@/api/log';
const logapi = logApi();
const homeLineRef = ref();
const homePieRef = ref();
const homeBarRef = ref();
const dateRange = ref('');
const defaultTime1 = new Date(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) // '12:00:00'
const storesTagsViewRoutes = useTagsViewRoutes();
const storesThemeConfig = useThemeConfig();
const { themeConfig } = storeToRefs(storesThemeConfig);
@ -88,42 +82,42 @@ const state = reactive({
dispose: [null, '', undefined],
} as any,
homeOne: [
num1: '125,12',
num2: '-12.32',
num3: '订单统计信息',
num4: 'fa fa-meetup',
color1: '#FF6462',
color2: '--next-color-primary-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-primary',
num1: '653,33',
num2: '+42.32',
num3: '月度计划信息',
num4: 'iconfont icon-ditu',
color1: '#6690F9',
color2: '--next-color-success-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-success',
num1: '125,65',
num2: '+17.32',
num3: '年度计划信息',
num4: 'iconfont icon-zaosheng',
color1: '#6690F9',
color2: '--next-color-warning-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-warning',
num1: '520,43',
num2: '-10.01',
num3: '访问统计信息',
num4: 'fa fa-github-alt',
color1: '#FF6462',
color2: '--next-color-danger-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-danger',
// {
// num1: '125,12',
// num2: '-12.32',
// num3: '',
// num4: 'fa fa-meetup',
// color1: '#FF6462',
// color2: '--next-color-primary-lighter',
// color3: '--el-color-primary',
// },
// {
// num1: '653,33',
// num2: '+42.32',
// num3: '',
// num4: 'iconfont icon-ditu',
// color1: '#6690F9',
// color2: '--next-color-success-lighter',
// color3: '--el-color-success',
// },
// {
// num1: '125,65',
// num2: '+17.32',
// num3: '',
// num4: 'iconfont icon-zaosheng',
// color1: '#6690F9',
// color2: '--next-color-warning-lighter',
// color3: '--el-color-warning',
// },
// {
// num1: '520,43',
// num2: '-10.01',
// num3: '访',
// num4: 'fa fa-github-alt',
// color1: '#FF6462',
// color2: '--next-color-danger-lighter',
// color3: '--el-color-danger',
// },
homeThree: [
@ -189,6 +183,47 @@ const state = reactive({
const getList = async() =>{
const res = await logapi.getbaseUserList();
if (res?.success) {
const data = res.data;
// homeOne
state.homeOne = [
num1: data.userTotalCount,
// num2: "12.32", //
num3: "总用户数",
color1: '#FF6462',
color2: '--next-color-primary-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-primary',
num4: "iconfont icon-zaosheng", //
num1: data.userTodayCount,
// num2: "42.32", //
num3: "今日用户数",
color1: '#6690F9',
color2: '--next-color-success-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-success',
num4: "iconfont icon-ditu",
num1: data.homeviewCount,
// num2: "17.32", //
num3: "首页浏览数",
color1: '#6690F9',
color2: '--next-color-warning-lighter',
color3: '--el-color-warning',
num4: "iconfont icon-zaosheng",
// 线
const initLineChart = () => {
if (!state.global.dispose.some((b: any) => b === state.global.homeChartOne)) state.global.homeChartOne.dispose();
@ -356,136 +391,93 @@ const initPieChart = () => {
const fetchChartData = async (start?: string, end?: string) => {
try {
const params = start && end ? { start, end } : {}; //
const response = await logapi.getabilityList(params); //
if (response && response.data) {
initBarChart(response.data); //
} catch (error) {
console.error('获取柱状图数据失败:', error);
const handleDateChange = () => {
if (dateRange.value.length === 2) {
const [start, end] = dateRange.value; // yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
fetchChartData(start, end); //
} else {
fetchChartData(); //
const initBarChart = () => {
if (!state.global.dispose.some((b: any) => b === state.global.homeCharThree)) state.global.homeCharThree.dispose();
state.global.homeCharThree = markRaw(echarts.init(homeBarRef.value, state.charts.theme));
const option = {
backgroundColor: state.charts.bgColor,
title: {
text: '地热开发利用',
x: 'left',
textStyle: { fontSize: '15', color: state.charts.color },
tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' },
legend: { data: ['供温', '回温', '压力值(Mpa)'], right: 0 },
grid: { top: 70, right: 80, bottom: 30, left: 80 },
xAxis: [
type: 'category',
data: ['1km', '2km', '3km', '4km', '5km', '6km'],
boundaryGap: true,
axisTick: { show: false },
yAxis: [
name: '供回温度(℃)',
nameLocation: 'middle',
nameTextStyle: { padding: [3, 4, 50, 6] },
splitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { type: 'dashed', color: '#f5f5f5' } },
axisLine: { show: false },
axisTick: { show: false },
axisLabel: { color: state.charts.color, formatter: '{value} ' },
name: '压力值(Mpa)',
nameLocation: 'middle',
nameTextStyle: { padding: [50, 4, 5, 6] },
splitLine: { show: false },
axisLine: { show: false },
axisTick: { show: false },
axisLabel: { color: state.charts.color, formatter: '{value} ' },
series: [
name: '供温',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
showSymbol: true,
symbol: 'path://M150 0 L80 175 L250 75 L50 75 L220 175 Z',
symbolSize: 12,
yAxisIndex: 0,
areaStyle: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(250,180,101,0.3)' },
{ offset: 1, color: 'rgba(250,180,101,0)' },
shadowColor: 'rgba(250,180,101,0.2)',
shadowBlur: 20,
itemStyle: { color: '#FF8000' },
// data使value
data: [
{ value: 1, stationName: 's1' },
{ value: 3, stationName: 's2' },
{ value: 4, stationName: 's3' },
{ value: 9, stationName: 's4' },
{ value: 3, stationName: 's5' },
{ value: 2, stationName: 's6' },
name: '回温',
type: 'line',
smooth: true,
showSymbol: true,
symbol: 'emptyCircle',
symbolSize: 12,
yAxisIndex: 0,
areaStyle: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(
{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(199, 237, 250,0.5)' },
{ offset: 1, color: 'rgba(199, 237, 250,0.2)' },
itemStyle: {
color: '#3bbc86',
data: [
{ value: 31, stationName: 's1' },
{ value: 36, stationName: 's2' },
{ value: 54, stationName: 's3' },
{ value: 24, stationName: 's4' },
{ value: 73, stationName: 's5' },
{ value: 22, stationName: 's6' },
name: '压力值(Mpa)',
type: 'bar',
barWidth: 30,
yAxisIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(108,80,243,0.3)' },
{ offset: 1, color: 'rgba(108,80,243,0)' },
borderRadius: [30, 30, 0, 0],
data: [
{ value: 11, stationName: 's1' },
{ value: 34, stationName: 's2' },
{ value: 54, stationName: 's3' },
{ value: 39, stationName: 's4' },
{ value: 63, stationName: 's5' },
{ value: 24, stationName: 's6' },
const initBarChart = (data:any = []) => {
if (!state.global.dispose.some((b) => b === state.global.homeCharThree))
state.global.homeCharThree = markRaw(echarts.init(homeBarRef.value, state.charts.theme));
const abilities = data.length ? data.map((item) => item.ability) : ['无数据'];
const numbers = data.length ? data.map((item) => item.num) : [0];
const option = {
backgroundColor: state.charts.bgColor,
title: {
text: 'AI能力使用统计',
x: 'left',
textStyle: { fontSize: '15', color: state.charts.color },
tooltip: { trigger: 'axis' },
grid: { top: 100, right: 30, bottom: 100, left: 50 },
xAxis: [
type: 'category',
data: abilities,
axisTick: { show: false },
axisLabel: {
color: state.charts.color,
interval: 0,
rotate: 30,
axisLine: {
lineStyle: { color: state.charts.color },
yAxis: [
type: 'value',
name: '使用次数',
nameTextStyle: { padding: [0, 0, 10, 0] },
splitLine: { show: true, lineStyle: { type: 'dashed', color: '#f5f5f5' } },
axisLine: { show: false },
axisTick: { show: false },
axisLabel: { color: state.charts.color, formatter: '{value}' },
series: [
name: '使用次数',
type: data.length ? 'bar' : 'line', // 线
barWidth: '40%',
itemStyle: {
color: data.length ? new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
{ offset: 0, color: 'rgba(108,80,243,0.8)' },
{ offset: 1, color: 'rgba(108,80,243,0.3)' },
]) : undefined, // barline
borderRadius: [5, 5, 0, 0],
data: numbers,
// echarts resize
const initEchartsResizeFun = () => {
@ -504,6 +496,8 @@ const initEchartsResize = () => {
onMounted(() => {
fetchChartData(); //
// keep-alive
onActivated(() => {
@ -551,7 +545,7 @@ $homeNavLengh: 8;
.home-card-three {
.home-card-item {
width: 100%;
height: 130px;
height: auto;
border-radius: 4px;
transition: all ease 0.3s;
padding: 20px;
@ -593,7 +587,7 @@ $homeNavLengh: 8;
.home-card-three {
.home-card-item {
height: 400px;
height: 600px;
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
.home-monitor {
@ -630,4 +624,15 @@ $homeNavLengh: 8;
.date-picker-container {
margin-bottom: 10px; /* 添加与标题的间距 */
.chart-title {
margin-bottom: 0px; /* 标题与图表之间的间距 */
font-size: 16px; /* 可调整为合适大小 */
font-weight: bold; /* 字体加粗,增强可读性 */
color: var(--el-text-color-primary);