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<div class="home-container">
<el-row :gutter="15">
<el-col :sm="6" class="mb15">
<div class="home-card-item home-card-first">
<div class="flex-margin flex">
<img src="https://ss0.bdstatic.com/70cFvHSh_Q1YnxGkpoWK1HF6hhy/it/u=1813762643,1914315241&fm=26&gp=0.jpg">
<div class="home-card-first-right ml15">
<div class="flex-margin">
<div class="home-card-first-right-title">早上好admin</div>
<div class="home-card-first-right-msg mt5">超级管理</div>
<el-col :sm="6" class="mb15" v-for="(v,k) in topCardItemList" :key="k">
<div class="home-card-item home-card-item-box" :style="{background:v.color}">
<div class="home-card-item-flex">
<div class="home-card-item-title pb3">{{v.title}}</div>
<div class="home-card-item-title-num pb6">{{v.titleNum}}</div>
<div class="home-card-item-tip pb3">{{v.tip}}</div>
<div class="home-card-item-tip-num">{{v.tipNum}}</div>
<i :class="v.icon" :style="{'color': v.iconColor}"></i>
<el-row :gutter="15">
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="14" :md="14" :lg="16" :xl="16" class="mb15">
<el-card shadow="hover" header="商品销售情况">
<div id="homeLaboratory" style="height:200px;"></div>
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="10" :md="10" :lg="8" :xl="8">
<el-card shadow="hover" header="环境监测">
<div class="home-monitor">
<div class="flex-warp">
<div class="flex-warp-item" v-for="(v,k) in environmentList" :key="k">
<div class="flex-warp-item-box">
<i :class="v.icon" :style="{color:v.iconColor}"></i>
<span class="pl5">{{v.label}}</span>
<div class="mt10">{{v.value}}</div>
<el-row :gutter="15">
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="14" :md="14" :lg="16" :xl="16" class="home-warning-media">
<el-card shadow="hover" header="预警信息" class="home-warning-card">
<el-table :data="tableData.data" style="width: 100%;" stripe>
<el-table-column prop="date" label="时间"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="name" label="实验室名称"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="address" label="报警内容"></el-table-column>
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="10" :md="10" :lg="8" :xl="8" class="home-dynamic-media">
<el-card shadow="hover" header="动态信息">
<div class="home-dynamic">
<div class="home-dynamic-item" v-for="(v,k) in activitiesList" :key="k">
<div class="home-dynamic-item-left">
<div class="home-dynamic-item-left-time1 mb5">{{v.time1}}</div>
<div class="home-dynamic-item-left-time2">{{v.time2}}</div>
<div class="home-dynamic-item-line">
<i class="iconfont icon-fangkuang"></i>
<div class="home-dynamic-item-right">
<div class="home-dynamic-item-right-title mb5">
<i class="el-icon-s-comment"></i>
<div class="home-dynamic-item-right-label">{{v.label}}</div>
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="24" :xl="24" class="mt15">
<el-card shadow="hover" header="履约超时预警">
<div id="homeOvertime" style="height:200px;"></div>
<script lang="ts">
import { toRefs, reactive, onMounted } from "vue";
import * as echarts from "echarts";
import { topCardItemList, environmentList, activitiesList } from "./mock.ts";
export default {
name: "home",
setup() {
const state = reactive({
tableData: {
data: [
date: "2016-05-02",
name: "1号实验室",
address: "烟感2.1%OBS/M",
date: "2016-05-04",
name: "2号实验室",
address: "温度30℃",
date: "2016-05-01",
name: "3号实验室",
address: "湿度57%RH",
// 实验室使用情况
const initHomeLaboratory = () => {
const myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("homeLaboratory"));
const option = {
grid: {
top: 50,
right: 20,
bottom: 30,
left: 30,
tooltip: {
trigger: "axis",
legend: {
data: ["预购队列", "最新成交价"],
right: 13,
xAxis: {
data: ["衬衫", "羊毛衫", "雪纺衫", "裤子", "高跟鞋", "袜子"],
yAxis: [
type: "value",
name: "价格",
series: [
name: "预购队列",
type: "bar",
data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20],
name: "最新成交价",
type: "line",
data: [15, 20, 16, 20, 30, 8],
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
// 履约超时预警
const initHomeOvertime = () => {
const myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("homeOvertime"));
const option = {
grid: {
top: 50,
right: 20,
bottom: 30,
left: 30,
tooltip: {
trigger: "axis",
legend: {
data: ["订单数量", "超时数量", "在线数量", "预警数量"],
right: 13,
xAxis: {
data: [
yAxis: [
type: "value",
name: "数量",
series: [
name: "订单数量",
type: "bar",
data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 20, 11, 13, 10, 9, 17, 19],
name: "超时数量",
type: "bar",
data: [15, 12, 26, 15, 11, 16, 31, 13, 5, 16, 13, 15],
name: "在线数量",
type: "line",
data: [15, 20, 16, 20, 30, 8, 16, 19, 12, 18, 19, 14],
name: "预警数量",
type: "line",
data: [10, 10, 13, 12, 15, 18, 19, 10, 12, 15, 11, 17],
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
// 页面加载前
onMounted(() => {
return {
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